Miles driven: 1,750
Days: 5
Tanks of gas: 5.5
Hours on the road: 25
States driven through: 8
Nights spent in a motel in the ghetto of New Orleans: 2
Drunk people I observed making fools of themselves on Bourbon Street: 287
Beads exchanged on Bourbon St: no comment
Sugar Bowl victories: 1!!!
*I failed to get a picture of the Arkansas sign - it was dark outside and I drove right by it.
More still to come...
This is a great post. You're such a road-tripping champ. Looks like fun.
Looks like you had fun. How did that Dreamland BBQ end up being? Did you find it ok? I can't wait to hear more about your trip!
I love the state by state pictures! Thats a good idea. I can't believe you went through 8!
Wow. I'm tired just looking at the pics of all those states. You do such cool things. I'm glad you made it home safe. I worried about you being out on your own. I know, I'm a nerd.
And I can't believe you missed the Arkansas sign. Geez. What the heck!
Why no comment on beads on Bourbon St.? I want DETAILS!
Brett is still so jealous that you were at the game. He has already rewatched the game! It is awesome that you drove through so many states!
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