04 January 2009

My first trip to the South

By the numbers...

Miles driven: 1,750
Days: 5
Tanks of gas: 5.5
Hours on the road: 25
States driven through: 8
Nights spent in a motel in the ghetto of New Orleans: 2
Drunk people I observed making fools of themselves on Bourbon Street: 287
Beads exchanged on Bourbon St: no comment
Sugar Bowl victories: 1!!!


This was my lame attempt to get a picture of the Missouri sign. It was on a bridge so I couldn't stop to get my pic. I was a bit upset.

*I failed to get a picture of the Arkansas sign - it was dark outside and I drove right by it.

More still to come...


Annie said...

This is a great post. You're such a road-tripping champ. Looks like fun.

brooke said...

Looks like you had fun. How did that Dreamland BBQ end up being? Did you find it ok? I can't wait to hear more about your trip!

Amy said...

I love the state by state pictures! Thats a good idea. I can't believe you went through 8!

Jamie said...

Wow. I'm tired just looking at the pics of all those states. You do such cool things. I'm glad you made it home safe. I worried about you being out on your own. I know, I'm a nerd.

And I can't believe you missed the Arkansas sign. Geez. What the heck!

Michael Neider said...

Why no comment on beads on Bourbon St.? I want DETAILS!

Brett and Jessica said...

Brett is still so jealous that you were at the game. He has already rewatched the game! It is awesome that you drove through so many states!

