27 September 2008

From down south

I must give credit where credit is due. Bronco Mendenhall has had a successful stint as coach of the Cougars. I cannot argue with three and a half years of an impressive win/loss record. However, I think I would go crazy if I played for the guy:


At least he stopped using scriptural analogies to describe his team at press conferences .


Jamie said...

Agreed. That guy has some crazy talk. I feel like it makes him super hard to relate to and connect with because he's always using non-human jargon. I think he'd be a lot more likeable if he'd quit the act and just be normal. That article was pretty funny. I still can't get used to all the dumb themes they have each year. This year is the dumbest so far. Whenever I see those "Quest for Perfection" shirts down at the games I think, "Really? You guys really thing that's cool?". And the coins this year? Don't get me started. But then I just kiss my husband and keep my mouth closed. Luckily, Mike's not blinded by his loyalties and thinks some of their stuff is dumb too. If he thought it was super cool I'd have to seriously rethink some things.

Annie said...

Jake - I'm seriously impressed with your respectful couching of the Bronco article.

I, of course, am a big fan of Bronco as a coach since he's done a good job with the program . . . but, I seriously cringe every time he's interviewed because of all the awkward things he says. So embarrassingly awkward. Not only do I hate that he uses the smae 5 catch phrases every interview, but I also really hate it when he can't distinguish between religion and football. You wouldn't think such a distinction would be too difficult, but poor Bronco just doesn't know the difference. I think one of my most embarrassing Bronco moments was when he said that he prefers fireside nights to the actual football games. Seriously? Please don't say that ever again, Bronco. You embarrass me.

Anyway . . . let's just say we're agreed on this subject.

Annie said...

smae = same. Oops. Hate when I have comment typos.

brooke said...


Christian Eyring said...

Matt actually told me he thinks Bronco talks very intelligently and sounds very smart when he talks. And that all the other coaches sound dumb compared to him. I couldn't help but to laugh.

I do agree he has done well with the program but I will change the channel when ever he starts talking, can't bare to listen to it and I really don't care.

Andrea Jolene said...

I actually didn't realize he even talked. That was very clever - I laughed heartily. As an English Major (which clearly gives me authority in the matter) he talks very "flowery" and combines some pretty intersting phrases. At least he uses them all correctly! Much better than knot heads who use large (all-be-it flowery language) to impress others and come off sounding like morons. BYU is rockin it this year -but they will be brought low ;)come Nov. 22nd. Someone should find tickets for me...anyone...I don't care who it is!!!

