22 September 2008

As requested

I had some requests for pictures I framed on my wall. Here they are:

During the short time I lived in The City, New York made an indelible impression in my memory. In my final weeks there I decided that I wanted to keep these memories close to the surface even while living in St. Louis. I thought the best way to do this would be to frame a few pictures of the city and hang them on the wall in my living room. For anyone who has visited New York, you well know that on nearly any street corner you can buy famous, well-recognized photographs of city landmarks - the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the Flatiron Building, Wall Street, etc. However, as I looked around for pictures I simply could not find the images which captured my experiences the great city of New York. I was looking for a more intimate portrayal of the city. I was not looking for a grand skyline panorama or an impersonal snapshot of an iron and cement building. Rather, I wanted images which highlighted a simple life in the big city. The images I see in my mind when I remember the city are not grandiose views atop large buildings. No, I see and hear street performers on the Subway platform as I wait for my ride home from church. I see a quiet pathway in Central Park during an early morning run. I see quaint restaurants and neighborhood grocers lining the bustling street as I walk home from a long day at school. These images capture the character of New York - a city which remains very close to the heart.

Note: The top picture was taken by my former roommate in New York who happens to be a professional photographer (Mark Hedengren). The bottom two pictures I took myself.


Brett and Jessica said...

Great pictures!
Jake, How do you get the "last time updated" under your friend list??

Amy said...

I love the ones you chose. Very cool and I love that they are originals! Good work Jake!

Jamie said...

Those are beautiful pictures! I have the exact same picture of the second one hanging in my room - but I had to pay for it from TJ Maxx. I love that you actually took them yourself. You obviously have a knack for photography.

Trent said...

I have exactly all three pictures in my house only mine are completely different... Sorry for the cinicism, but Jake's image of The Mall is very unique. My time in The Big Apple was even shorter than your's, but every time I see these pictures they make me greatful for the side of the city you showed me. I'm so glad you and Amy put that trip to gether. I will never again be able to experience New York quite the same again. That was a perfect trip with my two best friends.

brooke said...

I love those pictures. You make New York look like such a clean, safe, and peaceful place. I say bravo! I'm really impressed that you took two of those pictures. They are really cool! I second what Trent said, thanks for showing us New York through Jake Jensen's eyes! A very impressive thing!

